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Japanese drop like never before!
Premium-quality, heavy-weight sweatshirts that will not only provide you with enough comfort, as they are oversized, but also fluent command of the Japanese language, the basics of the martial art of Okinawa kobudo and, last but not least, the feeling that you are in the land of the rising sun.
Each of the designs is unique, special and honestly embroidered.
IN ADDITION, by purchasing the limited edition, you are automatically entered into the competition for a PS5, which Duklock and I will deliver to you personally :-) and besides the PS5, we have many other great prizes ready.
- 100% cotton 460g/m²
- oversized cut,
- QR code with premium con
Japanese drop like never before!
Premium-quality, heavy-weight sweatshirts that will not only provide you with enough comfort, as they are oversized, but also fluent command of the Japanese language, the basics of the martial art of Okinawa kobudo and, last but not least, the feeling that you are in the land of the rising sun.
Each of the designs is unique, special and honestly embroidered.
IN ADDITION, by purchasing the limited edition, you are automatically entered into the competition for a PS5, which Duklock and I will deliver to you personally :-) and besides the PS5, we have many other great prizes ready.
- 100% cotton 460g/m²
- oversized cut,
- QR code with premium content
- extra long sleeves
- kangaroo pouch
- large hood
- DROP ends on April 30, 2024 at 11:59 p.m.
Japanese drop like never before!
Premium-quality, heavy-weight sweatshirts that will not only provide you with enough comfort, as they are oversized, but also fluent command of the Japanese language, the basics of the martial art of Okinawa kobudo and, last but not least, the feeling that you are in the land of the rising sun.
Each of the designs is unique, special and honestly embroidered.
IN ADDITION, by purchasing the limited edition, you are automatically entered into the competition for a PS5, which Duklock and I will deliver to you personally :-) and besides the PS5, we have many other great prizes ready.
- 100% cotton 460g/m²
- oversized cut,
- QR code with premium con
Japanese drop like never before!
Premium-quality, heavy-weight sweatshirts that will not only provide you with enough comfort, as they are oversized, but also fluent command of the Japanese language, the basics of the martial art of Okinawa kobudo and, last but not least, the feeling that you are in the land of the rising sun.
Each of the designs is unique, special and honestly embroidered.
IN ADDITION, by purchasing the limited edition, you are automatically entered into the competition for a PS5, which Duklock and I will deliver to you personally :-) and besides the PS5, we have many other great prizes ready.
- 100% cotton 460g/m²
- oversized cut,
- QR code with premium content
- extra long sleeves
- kangaroo pouch
- large hood
- DROP ends on April 30, 2024 at 11:59 p.m.
Uprednostňujeme kvalitu
Výrobu spúšťame až v momente, keď si niečo objednáte, čím sa môžeme viac zamerať na kvalitu jednotlivého produktu.
Myslíme ekologicky
Starostlivo zvažujeme výber materiálov, nevyrábame vopred na sklad a netvoríme odpad, aký vzniká pri masovej výrobe.
Dbáme na vašu spokojnosť
Kontrolujeme celý proces výroby, balenia a expedície, aby k vám prišiel produkt čo najskôr a bez akéhokoľvek poškodenia.
Snažíme sa priblížiť filozofií Just in time a preto nedržíme a nevyrábame produkty na sklad. Celý proces výroby sa spúšťa v momente, keď sa vytvorí požiadavka od vás.
Vyrobené na zákazku
Každý kúsok vyrábame do objednávky na mieru práve pre Teba, pričom kladieme dôraz na kvalitu a nie na kvantitu.
Proces GM+ sa správa ekologickejšie k celému výrobnému procesu. Starostlivo zvažujeme výber materiálov a pri samotnej výrobe sa snažíme hľadať viac ekologických a dostupných alternatív. Pri dizajnovaní, výrobe aj expedovaní sme rýchlejší, flexibilnejší, ekologickejší, netvoríme odpad. Chceme, aby sme všetci mohli nakupovať od svojich „vzorov“ bez pocitu nekvality a s pocitom dobrého osobného zážitku z jeho nosenia.
Sme spoločnosť, ktorá má vlastné zdroje a zázemie a tak sa môžeme spoliehať samy na seba. To je zodpovedný prístup k zodpovednej výrobe.